
plot_all_observables(fsr: FisherResults, fsr_plot=None, outdir=PosixPath('.'), additional_name='', **kwargs)#

Plots the observables with time points chosen for Optimal Experimental Design.

  • fsr (FisherResults) – Results generated by an optimization or solving routine.

  • outdir (Path, optional) – Output directory to store the images in. Defaults to Path(“.”).

plot_all_odes(fsr: FisherResults, fsr_plot=None, outdir=PosixPath('.'), additional_name='', **kwargs)#

Plots results of the ODE with time points at which the ODE is evaluated for every input combination.

  • fsr (FisherResults) – Results generated by an optimization or solving routine.

  • outdir (Path, optional) – Output directory to store the images in. Defaults to Path(“.”).

plot_all_sensitivities(fsr: FisherResults, fsr_plot=None, outdir=PosixPath('.'), additional_name='', **kwargs)#

Plots results of the sensitivities \(s_{ij} = \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial p_j}\) or , in case of relative sensitivities, \(s_{ij} = \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial p_j} \frac{p_j}{y_i}\) with time points at which the ODE is evaluated for every input combination. :param fsr: Results generated by an optimization or solving routine. :type fsr: FisherResults :param outdir: Output directory to store the images in. Defaults to Path(“.”)., defaults to Path(“.”) :type outdir: Path, optional

plot_all_solutions(fsr: FisherResults, fsr_plot=None, outdir=PosixPath('.'), additional_name='', **kwargs)#

Combines functionality of plot_all_odes and plot_all_sensitivities. Plots results of the ODE with time points at which the ODE is evaluated and results of the sensitivities \(s_{ij} = \frac{\partial y_i}{\partial p_j}\) with time points at which the ODE is evaluated for every input combination.

  • fsr (FisherResults) – Results generated by an optimization or solving routine.

  • outdir (Path, optional) – Output directory to store the images in. Defaults to Path(“.”)., defaults to Path(“.”)