Experimental Design =================== .. note:: In-depth information about the theoretical underlying and the calculation methods will be described in a book chapter releasing in the near future. The Experimental Design goal is to maximize the objective function based on one of the properties of the Fisher information matrix (FIM) :math:`F`, which is inversely proportional to the minimal squared estimation error :cite:p:`friedenExploratoryData2010`. Different optimality criteria (properties of the FIM) can be chosen. Some of the most popular criteria are: 1. *D-optimality criterion* Maximizes the determinant :math:`\det (F)` of the FIM. 2. *E-optimality criterion* Maximizes the minimal eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_{\min}`. 3. *A-optimality criterion* Maximizes the sum of all eigenvalues :math:`\sum_i \lambda_i`. 4. *Modified E-optimality* Maximizes the ratio between the minimal and maximal eigenvalue :math:`\lambda_{\min} / \lambda_{\max}`. .. bibliography:: :style: plain :filter: False friedenExploratoryData2010